Welcome to smartchem-ion3’s documentation!

This is a python interface to the SMARTChem Ion3 ion-selective electrode instrument.

It requires the device to be connected to the host computer using a RS232 style serial port, such as through a USB-to-serial converter, and then provides a basic wrapper around the device’s control capabilities. See the device’s user manual for details on its capabilities.

Source code at https://gitlab.com/ptapping/smartchem-ion3.

Documentation online at https://smartchem-ion3.readthedocs.io/.

User Guide


Install using pip:

pip install --user --upgrade smartchem-ion3

Alternatively, download the code and install it manually. The only dependency is on the pyserial library.

Configuring the Instrument

It is recommended to configure the instrument to run at its fastest communication rate (38400 baud). This can be done using the instrument’s menus, Menu->F4->F4->F1->F4->Menu. To instead run at a slower speed, the baud rate can be configured using the baudrate parameter during the initialisation of the Ion3 object.

Basic Usage

import smartchem_ion3

# Make a function to pretty print data obtained from the device
def handle_data(d):
    """Handle receipt of spontaneous data sent from the instrument."""
    print(f"Reading #{d.n} at {d.timestamp.isoformat()}")
    print(f"  Channel 1, {d.ch1.unit.description} = {d.ch1.value}{d.ch1.unit.suffix}")
    print(f"  Channel 2, {d.ch2.unit.description} = {d.ch2.value}{d.ch2.unit.suffix}")
    print(f"  Channel 3, {d.ch3.unit.description} = {d.ch3.value}{d.ch3.unit.suffix}")
    print(f"  Temperature, {d.cht.unit.description} = {d.cht.value}{d.cht.unit.suffix}")

# With no parameters, will use the first detected serial port at 38400 baud.
ion3 = smartchem_ion3.Ion3()

# Get a reading of the current state of the data channels and print it out

# Get the logged data and print them out
for d in ion3.logged_data():

Receiving Spontaneous Readings

The instrument can send back data readings spontaneously, when using its “Instant Send” or “Print” modes. To receive these data messages, set a data_callback function either during the Ion3 initialisation or by assigning to its data_callback property.

import smartchem_ion3

def handle_data(d):
    """Handle receipt of spontaneous data sent from the instrument."""
    print(f"Reading #{d.n} at {d.timestamp.isoformat()}")
    print(f"  Channel 1, {d.ch1.unit.description} = {d.ch1.value}{d.ch1.unit.suffix}")
    print(f"  Channel 2, {d.ch2.unit.description} = {d.ch2.value}{d.ch2.unit.suffix}")
    print(f"  Channel 3, {d.ch3.unit.description} = {d.ch3.value}{d.ch3.unit.suffix}")
    print(f"  Temperature, {d.cht.unit.description} = {d.cht.value}{d.cht.unit.suffix}")

ion3 = smartchem_ion3.Ion3(data_callback=handle_data)

Selecting the Serial Port Device

By default, the first discovered serial device will be used to connect to the instrument. To select a more specific device, several parameters are available during initialisation of the Ion3 object. The serial port name can be specified exactly (eg. "/dev/ttyUSB0") however, as that is subject to change depending on other devices connected to the system, it is not recommended. Additional parameters are available to find the appropriate port. These parameters are passed on to a helper function, find_device() which documents each option.

import smartchem_ion3

# Select by a hardcoded port name (not recommended!)
ion3 = smartchem_ion3.Ion3(serial_port="/dev/ttyUSB0")

# Instead, use some combination of port information fields.
# This helper lists port info available to filter on.
# Select the port by the USB vendor and product ID numbers
ion3 = smartchem_ion3.Ion3(vid=0x067b, pid=0x2303)

Known Issues

The device is fairly primitive and does not like to be controlled simultaneously through the serial port and the front panel buttons. For example, if the “Print” button is pressed, the device will send data over the serial port and may scramble any communications which might be occurring at the time. Similarly, the device will not be able to communicate over the serial port when it is not on it’s default “home” screen. If any menu is open, communications will fail. Communications will also not work while the device is displaying any status messages like the “Log #5 Recorded” message when pressing the “Store” button.

If the device is used purely through the serial interface, there should be no problems, but if you have issues connecting to the device, ensure it is not currently displaying any menus.

API Documentation

Indices and tables